Press & Media

Press, Guest Posts And Interviews.

My work has been featured by Total Licensing, Publishing Perspectives, Boersenblatt, and more. Connecting with my expert topics Global Book Publishing, International & Foreign Rights Licensing and Modern Strategy & Book Marketing is one of my favourite things to do so please be in touch with media inquiries!

Dr. Rachel Noorda, Director of Book Publishing & Associate Professor Portland State University, USA .

Claudia was having a Zoom call with Rachel, a professor and researcher at Portland State University, USA, whose research centers around book publishing and marketing and entrepreneurship.

We dived in on my educational and professional background, training and organizations for agents in Germany, impact of my location on my global business, role of agents in Germany, and differences between agenting in Germany and the US.

The conversation’s flowing and…fun! And will go into an academic article.


In June 2023 Claudia got an E-Mail: “Would you be available for a video interview about literary agent entrepreneurship?

Out of the blue…an invitation in my inbox. An unexpected invitation but one that’s a “Heck YES!”


Canadian Creative Industries Trade Mission to Germany with a few select participants from both countries took place from 05 May 2022 – 06 May 2022 .

The Canadian trade delegation consisted of 30 promising companies in various creative sectors such as audiovisual, music, performing arts, book publishing, digital and interactive media, and fashion. The mission enabled representatives from those countries to network with potential business partners in their creative sectors and build and strengthen relationships with international buyers, suppliers collaborators and partners. This mission aimed to deepen the understanding of the business environment, its opportunities and characteristics of those countries.


In May 2022 Claudia was among a handful of creative businesses from Germany to participate in this unique opportunity to generate new business contacts and partnerships and help restart cultural life in Germany, Canada and around the globe.

Tipps an mein gründendes Ich (Founder’s Advice – A Letter To My Former Self) with Beate Mader.

If you haven’t yet found your personal business mentor, here are 10 tips for young or aspiring entrepreneurs to help get you started.

This post “Lessons from 10 years of running an international solo business”, was written for Beate’s Vision3 blog.


In Spring 2021 at Word Book Day, 23rd April, which happens to be Claudia’s birthday, she talks in this blog post about her thrilling wins and epic fails running an international creative business and shares insides she wishes she had known when she started her business.

Psst! Want to read the English version? Click — 52 Quick & Dirty Tips And Lessons I Have Learned Running This Business: May It Help You With Your Own.

Canadian Creative Industries Virtual Trade Mission to Germany with 175 participants from both countries took place from 23 March 2021 – 25 March 2021 .

This mission has brought together creative industries companies (buyers as well as suppliers) from Canada and Germany that show high export potential and readiness for the global market and operate in one of the following sectors: book publishing, music, performing arts, audiovisual, digital and interactive media, fashion and design.


In Spring 2021 Claudia was among only 126 creative businesses from Germany to participate in this unique opportunity to generate new business contacts and partnerships.

Total Licensing Magazine Logo

Total Licensing is a worldwide licensing publication with more than 84,000 readers in 106 countries.

In addition to its regular circulation detailed above, this Winter 2016 issue of the magazine will have broad distribution at key fairs including • Nuremberg Toy Fair • Kidscreen • New York Toy Fair • London Toy Fair.

Total Licensing Magazine Winter 2016 Issue


In the Winter 2016 issue of the Total Licensing Magazine, Claudia talks in this interview about Licensing in Germany and shares advice on how to master challenges with confidence.

Publishing Perspective Online Magazine Logo

UK’s leading online magazine of international book publishing news and opinions.

Interview Preview Publishing Perspective Online Magazine With Claudia Wittmann


In the September 2014 issue of the Publishing Perspectives Magazine, Claudia talks about all things Foreign Rights and Licensing and how to approach the digital revolution.

Claudia Wittmann's Badge | Business Match-Making Finland Germany

Finland Creative Industries Trade Mission to Germany with 50 participants from Finland took place from 28 August 2014 – 31 August 2014.

This mission has brought together creative industries companies (buyers as well as suppliers) from Finland and Germany that show high export potential and readiness for the global market and operate in one of the following sectors: book publishing, music, performing arts, visual arts, licensing, illustration, fashion and design.


In August 2014 Claudia was among only a few creative businesses from Germany to participate in this unique opportunity to generate new business contacts and partnerships.

Germany’s Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair) is the world’s most important fair for the print and digital content business, as well as an outstanding social and cultural event.

Frankfurt Book Fair: Claudia Wittmann's Serendipity Story


In this article, Claudia shares her Serendipity Story s a publishing entrepreneur at the fair. This story, showcased at the fair, is inspiring, so read that too.

Börsenblatt is Germany’s largest, longest-running (since 1834) and best-selling magazine (10,000 copies per month) in the book trade and publishing industry.


Germany’s BOERSENBLATT dives deep into the under-discussed side of founding an international & foreign rights agency and talks with Claudia about some of the struggles she faced as an entrepreneur in global licensing, including the skills and mindset that have helped Claudia to grow her brand. 

Germany’s Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair) is the world’s most important fair for the print and digital content business, as well as an outstanding social and cultural event.


In 2013 Frankfurt Book Fair featured Claudia on its website.

Buchreport is Germany’s magazine for the German-speaking book trade and publishing industry.


Germany’s BUCHREPORT discusses the merger of Random House and Penguin and talks with Claudia about some results of the merger deal.

BuchMarkt is an idea magazine for book trade and publishing in Germany – available in print and online.


In this article Germany’s BuchMarkt shares Claudia’s first and most vital step to bring her dream to life.

SWR2 is a German internet radio network by the German public broadcasting corporation SWR. It specialises in streaming historic original sounds, interviews, and speeches in the German language from German audio archives.


In this interview Germany’s SWR2 talks to Claudia on Foreign Rights and Licensing in book publishing. This interview was first aired on 7 October 2006.

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