Foreign Rights & Licensing
I’m dedicated to helping you with your most valuable assets – the rights to your literary works.
You are a big-hearted publishing entrepreneur with an established business and wish to seamlessly expand beyond your core business into international book rights & media licensing with specialized support for your unique situation.
“Claudia Wittmann makes you feel very good and well cared for, you’re definitely in good hands. She considers everything and takes care of everything – no request seems too outlandish. At the same time, she is extremely reliable and always in a good mood. My compliments!”
Raphael Mankau | Publisher & CEO of Mankau Verlag | Germany
“Bei Claudia Wittmann fühlt man sich rundherum bestens betreut und aufgehoben. Sie bedenkt alles, kümmert sich um alles – kein Anliegen scheint zu abwegig. Dabei ist sie maximal zuverlässig und scheint immer gut gelaunt. Mein Kompliment!”
Raphael Mankau | Publisher & CEO of Mankau Verlag | Germany

My little secret…
Great independently published books are rare. Something brave and excellent. Hot, exciting stuff. No, they don’t require stealing.
My select indie books are ranked on numerous “Best of” lists, were honoured with prestigious Literary Awards for the most outstanding voices in their genre and hit home with 5 figures sales and more – yet they’re still the unexpected. An in-the-know-choice. After all.
The old way of publishing “We’ve always done it this way” is not just wrong and backward, it’s also dangerous and can destroy creativity along the way.
Anyone with a strong bookish instinct for the reader’s taste and a heart for freshness and a passion for good books will be surprised and over the moon by my diverse list from around the world.
Is yours really good stuff, too?
Keep scrolling.
“Dear Claudia! We would also like to thank you for your support – as we are still not able to run our publishing house as we did before the corona times, everything helps! :)”
Tisa Z.-D. | Foreign Rights & Royalty Assistant to Publisher | Slovenia
“Claudia, THANKS! You are the perfect example of an agent! I can tell you without question that your free Monday eNewsletters and E-Mails alone are so exact and straight to the point that they provide more REAL value than all the other empty-promise, we’ve all paid for. I’m a fan and I can’t help but admire you.”
Aleksandra M. | Literary Agent | Poland
“Dearest Claudia, Thank you so much. It was a great pleasure to meet and work with you.”
Canan S. | Rights & Acquisitions | Turkey
For: Book rights owners + writing community entrepreneurs in global book publishing
RISE & SHINE Representation
Perfect for: You want to create a profitable foreign right licensing business around your books but know yourself well enough to hesitate before jumping in and would love an expert at your side to help you. You have an idea about what you want and looking to offer and sell translation rights globally to your book(s) after your book(s) have a primary publisher and want to work with a pro who’s been there.
Is this you?
Do you want to place your book(s) in front of thousands of international prospects?
Do you wish to reach into international book publishing markets but you have little or no knowledge of those international markets?
You don’t have an in-house rights department, lack resources or don’t want to rely on a scattered network of different subagents in every territory?
You believe there should be translation interest in your book(s) and your current approach doesn’t seem to be getting your book(s) in front of the right people.
I’m always looking for extraordinary, exciting and new books but since I have limited space in my boutique agency, I carefully curate the works I bring into my The Wittmann Agency.
The Wittmann Agency commission for successfully ratified contracts and all remunerations resulting, therefore e.g. advance payments, subsequent royalties, and fees per contract is 25% of the nominal sum.
If you’re ready to say YES to your dreams, click the link below and let’s do this!
“Dear Claudia, thanks for all your support. Anything you need, just let us know.”
Fernando I. | Foreign Rights & Royalty Assistant to Publisher | Spain
For: Business owners + entrepreneurs in book publishing
Perfect for: When you’re ready to get the whole package.
Is this you?
You’re looking to develop a robust domestic and foreign rights licensing business for your book publishing business but don’t know how to do it or struggle to move forward?
You’re considering foreign rights sales as an integral part of your marketing strategy?
You want The Wittmann Agency to unlock the hidden potential of your frontlist and backlist and you’d like to profit from the all-inclusive package?
You want a loyal and trusted partner that will be there for the long haul and you’re looking to go beyond cookie-cutter advice?
The Wittmann Agency’s Foreign Rights Mentorship starts at € 3K per month plus expenses. The Wittmann Agency partners with select clients on a revenue + retainer basis. * Limited seats.
Do you want them to buy from you around the globe? So, don’t leave money on the table and click the link below to book your seat today – let’s do this!
“Hi Claudia, Thank you for your priceless help and patience.”
Mariusz G. | Publisher | Poland
Quick Tips
For: Business owners + entrepreneurs in book publishing
Perfect for: If you’re unsure about how to approach global book publishing right now.
Is this you?
You consider foreign rights sales as an integral part of your book marketing strategy? Read on…
Shall you aim to sell, license and cover the full range of potential book subsidiary rights?
(This list may not be comprehensive but gets you started.)
#1 Foreign rights and translation rights
#2 Mass market paperback rights
#3 Book club rights
#4 Electronic rights
#5 Dramatic rights
#6 Performance rights
#7 Film rights & motion rights & multimedia rights
#8 TV rights
#9 Audio rights & audio book rights
#10 Audiovisual rights
#11 Merchandizing rights
#12 Permissions
#13 Rights for the reading-impaired
The long answer is that there has never been a better or more important time to invest in yourself and your business.
So, the question isn’t: “Do I need to sell and license my book subsidiary rights for my business?”, but “Can I afford not to do it?”.
If you want to sky-rocket your growth and continue thriving in the long term, the short answer is: “Nope!”
“Hello Claudia, Thank you so much for your response and all the information and help that you provided me in your email, I really appreciate it. Yes, I definitely would like to stay connected to you and The Wittmann Agency. Thank you.”
Hasna A. | Freelance Graphic Designer & Illustrator | Marocco
“Thank you so much, Claudia, be blessed.”
Salom S. | Writer | Nigeria
“Claudia, Thank you for such a personalised and thoughtful response.”
Shejoy K. | International Business Development, Publishing | India