Foreign Rights Submissions

You’re ready to bring on a trusted partner to move forward.

If you’re an entrepreneur, solopreneur, something ending in -preneur in book publishing, I help you find the words and tools to make your business stand out in today’s globalised digital book publishing industry, get fresh ideas to succeed through international licensing, foreign rights and online marketing, and make you a go-to resource for your ideal buyers in a rapidly changing online space.

Single & Multiple Works

You went all out for a win — all right, let’s do it again — let’s get the deal done!

Dr Martin K. | CEO & Publisher & Author | Germany

Claudia…psyched to work with you. Love your enthusiasm!

Mark R. | Author | USA

THANK YOU Claudia, I deeply appreciate all your efforts on behalf of me and my book

Debra D. | Author & Musician | USA

Hi Claudia! I really love your energy and your passion for books.”

Pilar | Author | Spain

What a gift…Thank you, Claudia, for your effervescent friendly and helpful considerations.”

Rahma K. | Editor & Proof-Reader | UK

RISE & SHINE Book Submissions

Perfect for : You consider foreign rights sales, licensing and global marketing as integral parts of your marketing strategy.

Is this you?

You are a big-hearted publisher and wish to seamlessly expand beyond your core business into international foreign rights licensing for your book program with specialized support and a fast turn-around time so you can focus on your own business.

You are a passionate author, have written and traditionally or self-published one or multiple books and sold 5.000+ copies on a reasonable price and want to place your book(s) in front of thousands of international commissioning editors and potential licensees with custom-tailored support for your unique situation.

Note:  High-quality English excerpt or full English manuscript of the already published book(s) in PDF is precondition.

Your Rise & Shine Global Rights Representation

The Wittmann Agency is committed to an eclectic mix of quality self-help and companion books, strong-selling non-fiction, discerning fiction and select books for children and young adults that are beautiful, inspiring and thoughtful and make the perfect licensed edition to travel the world.

The Wittmann Agency works directly with international publishers in over 90 countries of the world, which offers you a much higher share of the revenue from all your rights, without the usal revenue split between multiple agent and/or the primary publisher.

The Wittmann Agency has the pleasure of sending your works to a vibrant community of carefully-chosen, hand-selected and perfect-fit individuals (commissioning editors) and businesses (agents, publishers). In South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, P.R. China, Turkey and Bulgaria The Wittmann Agency has in addition supporting local peers.

The Wittmann Agency is always looking for new exciting titles to carry in the agency that will “complement” our current portfolio.

Your Rise & Shine Submission Process

If I like your work(s), I’ll ask you to see more material and then contact you to discuss it in detail.

If I have decided not to offer Rise & Shine global rights representation on the basis of the material you’ve sent in, I’ll reply with a brief note.

I’m unable to send detailed critiques or detailed comments because of the volume of material I receive. Comments are a huge responsibility which requires serious thought and time commitment. This is not a level of service I can offer when declining submissions.

If I say no to representing you or your work at The Wittmann Agency, it will not necessarily mean that I didn’t like the work, but I owe it to my existing clients not to become over-committed and through long-standing (20+yrs) professional experience I also have an informed eye as to what I can currently place with publishers in German-speaking territories and throughout the world.

Since I have limited space in my boutique agency, I carefully curate the works I bring in to my international & foreign rights agency.

Once I reviewed your SubmissionCard and think your work(s) would be a great fit, I will E-Mail you about setting up an agency agreement and on how I would like to proceed to the next steps.

Due to the overwhelming number of submissions, I may not be able to respond within 5 working days back to every single E-Mail but I do try. 

However, I do take this process very seriously and review every submission by E-Mail. I can no longer accept submissions by post – these will not be considered or returned.

I look forward to hearing about your exciting ideas!!!

Thank you again for your interest in The Wittmann Agency. I really look forward to hearing from you and seeing your inspiring works!

Your Rise & Shine Investment

Standard: Would you like to promote selected book publications through The Wittmann Agency yet deal with all other matters yourself? Then Standard is the perfect starter package for you!

Standard Services:

Presentation of titles: Social Media.

No. of titles: max. 2

Agency contract: 6 months

Standard Conditions:

You provide facts to your title(s) in English.

Social Media Presentation: Front cover and key facts.

Additional services may be added to this package.

Standard Benefits:

– Simple handling

– Extremely cost-effective entry-level package

– Presentation in an exclusive, premium environment

– Few obligations

Standard is for new clients. You can upgrade at any time to Premium and Excellence.

Premium: Is The Wittmann Agency already processing your new publications and you’d like to support their promotion by making your own contribution? Then Premium is the best package for this scenario.

Excellence: Does The Wittmann Agency already promote your backlist and new publications and you’d like to now profit from the all-inclusive package? Then go for gold with our Excellence service!

Your Rise & Shine Submission

Now, if you are interested in submitting your book(s) to The Wittmann Agency for consideration, please follow these 3 easy steps:

1. Click the button below, quickly sign-in, register and download your link to access your FREE online SubmissionCard.

Note:  It’s a double-opt-in process to access your FREE Online SubmissionCard due to Europe’s GDPR data protection law, which ensures the information that you share is kept secure.

2. To submit your book(s), please complete your SubmissionCard online and tell me about the author, the work, and why readers will love the book – top things I MUST know considering your book(s).

3. Save your message and submit your SubmissionCard with 1- Click and tell me why you think your work will be a great fit for The Wittmann Agency!

If you’re ready, click the link below and let’s do this!

Actively Seeking For Rise & Shine

I’m looking for fresh, new voices and stories, and actively seeking:

Non-Fiction: self-help, business, health, history (NOT WW I+II ), parenting, music, how-to, popular science, business, biography, sports, popular reference, cooking/nutrition, writing, humour, spirituality

Upmarket Commercial Fiction: romance, psychological suspense, thrillers, crime novels, historical thrillers, historical fiction with suspense elements, espionage novels, mysteries of all types

Wanna Learn Foreign Rights Licensing With Me?

I’ll reveal my best tips, tricks and methods in my Strategic Consulting, and you’ll:

Develop your message and marketing so that it resonates with the right audience and the exact readers you want to attract.

Choose a package, pick a time and book your session for your Strategic Consulting training. Ah, global book marketing & foreign rights licensing is everyones’s fav’ thing, yeah-no! Don’t forget to join LOVE LETTER TO BOOKWORMS.

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