Overshoot your goals in global book publishing

Global Book Marketing + Foreign Rights Licensing + Modern Strategy For Publishing Brands

Here are ways Claudia Wittmann can make your life better:

Writing my exciting chapter since 2011 — so it’s safe to say your book publishing brand will be in excellent hands.

Are you juggling every single aspect on your own including

• Sales

• Marketing

• Acquisition

• Pre-press

• Contracting

• Licensing

— and need a trusted ally & first-go-to-resource?

Let’s get started!

Upgrade your book business, reach readers worldwide and earn what you deserve!

Yeah, it’s awesome — and I’ll show you how to get it.

Whether you’re…a professional entrepreneur, solopreneur, or something ending in -preneur in book publishing (may it be an international publisher, author, foreign rights agency owner, literary agency founder or any other creative of the writing community) I help you find the trust-building words, easy-to-implement tools and real-life strategies to define your greatness, get you fresh ideas to succeed through unique global book marketing and international foreign rights licensing to stand out in a rapidly changing global book publishing playground and make you a go-to resource for your ideal readers and buyers.

Quite simply, I help you get all the success, joy and fulfilment you desire.

Strategic Growth

When you want solid guidance to get your book publishing business on track.

Foreign Rights & Licensing

When you’re ready to bring on a trusted partner to move forward.

Free Training/Blog

Here’s your chance to learn with Claudia to help you manage your business.

New here?

I’m Claudia, an experienced international publishing and foreign rights licensing pro with 20+ years of experience
who is in your corner, serving as your guide and
cheering you on.

Claudia Wittmann of The Wittmann Agency is looking you straight into the eyes

As featured in:

Total Licensing Magazine USA Logo
Publishing Perspectives Magazine UK Logo
Börsenblatt Magazine Germany Logo
Buchmarkt Magazine Germany Logo
SWR2 Radio Station Germany Logo
boersenblatt dot net Online Magazine Germany Logo
buchreport Magazine Germany Logo

Total Licensing Magazine (USA) Interview

The Wittmann Agency’s Claudia talks in this interview about the chances and risks of Licensing in Book Publishing in Germany and around the world.

Articles about me

Publishing Perspectives (UK) Interview

Claudia joins Publishing Perspective to talk all things Foreign Book Rights Selling and shares advice on how to approach the digital revolution.

Freebies & Resources

FREE CLASS_How To Pitch Your Books And Rights Online And Sell_Mockup
FREE | 5-Day-Mini-Class

— Can I help you to become a better marketer?

Start your free crash course>>

FREE GUIDE_7 Best Self-Publishing Platforms For Books_Mockup
FREE | Guide

— Written a book and wanna get it published?

Get the free guide>>

FREE GUIDE_100+ Business Tools & Resources_Mockup
FREE | Workbook

— Got the feeling that there aren’t enough hours a day?

Grab the free workbook>>

Love Letter To Bookworms — Newsletter Of The Wittmann Agency

FREE | Love Letter To Bookworms

— There’s room for you too in this multi-billion+dollar book publishing industry

Get #LOVE delivered to you >>

FREE CHEATSHEET_12BookPublishingTerms_Mockup
FREE | Bonus CheatSheet

— You’ll go from „oh, I don’t know” to acting like one of the pros in no time

Get the free cheatsheet >>

FREE E-BOOK_5OnlineMIstakesEvenSmartBookPublishingProsMake_MockUp
FREE | Quick-Fix Guide

— Dramatically improve your online book business

Grab the free quick-fix guide>>

1-question, 60-second-survey